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So, even though these are two separate releases, I’m going to write one description to cover both… these appear to have been recorded at the same session, and the concurrent release time and similar artwork seem to imply that they are meant to be considered together. Now that I have that out of the way I can say GET BOTH OF THESE RECORDS RIGHT NOW!!!! Seriously, I can’t remember the last time I’ve fallen this head over heels for a band. Pura Mania have one of the most original, exciting sounds I’ve heard in ages… a slightly quirky but utterly unique combination of melodic 80s Spanish punk like Eskorbuto, tough hardcore, oi!, and a little dash of new wave. I know that “description” isn’t very descriptive at all, but Pura Mania are a very difficult band to pin down… the vocals and the drums are very simple, straightforward, and tough, but on their best songs like “Musica Para Genta Fea,” the guitars and bass go off in a completely different direction, recalling the dynamic interplay of post-punk / new wave greats like Wire and Magazine. Basically, it’s like Pura Mania have made this band explicitly to appeal to my personal tastes, simultaneously tickling the parts of my brain that crave tough hardcore and oi!, simple and catchy melodies, and the interesting instrumental dynamics of post-punk. It’s crazy that Pura Mania are this relentlessly good, but nothing about the packaging or presentation really screams “this is some next-level shit.” It’s doubtful that these guys will become the next big thing or that anyone will think you’re cooler for owning these records (except for me!), but those in the know will insist that these are two of the best records to be released in the year 2014. Utterly, utterly essential… highest possible recommendation!

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