5,00  4,20 

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MANIAC are gentlemen punks from Los Angeles. They are what they call a supergroup, being comprised of ex and current members of bands like CLOROX GIRLS, CUTE LEPERS, THE GIRLS, IMAGES, L.A. DRUGZ and RED DONS. Demimonde is their first long player. With echoes of everything from Cheap Trick to early Wire to modern-day greats like The Briefs, Demimonde hits that perfect blend of catchy ’77 punk and jittery new wave. And with all due credit to engineer MARK RAINS at Stationhouse Studios and DANIEL HADJI HUSAYN of Red Dons for the mastering job to make this baby loud and raucous.

Weight ,35 kg
SKU: WU-Twelveinch88 Categories: ,
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