10,00  8,40 

6 in stock

RELEASEDATE: 17.06.2022

Things are getting crazier every day, these times are even worse than what we could have feared only a few years ago but thankfully there are many forms of expression which are so many ramparts to resignation and defeatism. BLEAKNESS is a great testimony of that. “Life at a Standstill” is the second full lenght of this prolific and inspired band. Through these ten new songs, BLEAKNESS walks on a wire between tension and a certain sense of sensibility. The band succeeds in nuance and inventiveness : more vocal diversity, more melodic and rhythmic richness… without losing the energy and the urgency acclaimed in their previous efforts. « Life at a Standstill » shows the range of possibilities of punk culture, BLEAKNESS brings lots of new atmospheres in its universe.

Weight 0,1 kg
SKU: WU-CD02 Categories: ,

Subtotal: 45,00 

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