3,00  2,52 

95 in stock

Austin Lucas releases his new album ”Alive In The Hot Zone!” October 30th, 2020. Written and recorded in the earliest days of the Covid-19 pandemic and Black Lives Matter/American uprising, this album represents a new direction for Austin, yet retains his distinctive voice and hyperliterate writing style. Contained are ten songs that serve as direct commentary regarding the ongoing global situation, isolation, fear and the indomitable spirit required to stand up against systemic racism and fascism, in a world spiraling out of control.
An American songwriter and political activist currently experiencing a more or less involuntary exile, Austin finds himself isolated in a foreign land, far away from his family and friends. He watches with terror and no small amount of inspirational awe, as his country buckles under the weight of a pandemic and yet it’s people find the courage and strength to rise up for a long overdue reckoning with centuries of systemic oppression.
Although an authoritarian narcissist and white supremacist sits in the White House and men of his ilk occupy top positions of power all across the globe, Austin Lucas comes to us with a message of hope and his most concisely empathetic and political album to date!
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